Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Educator found calling at early age

Editor's note: This is one in a series profiling local educators each week.

The dream to become an educator was manifested in James Elementary School first-grade teacher Shana Mead at an early age.

"My kindergarten teacher inspired me. I've always wanted to be a teacher or a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. I chose this one," she said.

Mead grew up in Portales, graduated from Eastern New Mexico University, and has taught all seven years of her career at James.

What keeps you going when your career gets difficult?

I know I help students become confident, and I help them become creative and mathematicians and I help them learn to read. This is one of the most enjoyable jobs I can do to help change the world.

Describe a career-affirming moment.

I think I would have to say when the whole new teacher evaluation system came out, the common core standards came out, and all the negativity on teaching. I don't want to say I didn't care, but it's like, "I'm here for the kids. I know this is what I'm supposed to do." All the negativity and stuff didn't change my mind, it didn't make me second-guess what I'm doing. I know this is where I'm supposed to be, and no amount of negativity, nothing the state does is going to make me want to leave this job. I'm here for the kids, not for them.

What has been your favorite moment of your career so far?

It would have to be my first year starting out. I was thrown (into it) in October, and my classroom was just piled together. It was a big mess. I had so much support from the parents of my students and it was exciting. I got to go shopping, I got to decorate my classroom. It's gonna be a memory that always sticks with me, because it was just so chaotic and crazy, and I made it through.

What do you enjoy about working with first grade students?

They still love you, and they want their hugs. They're still nice, and they still need you. And yet, they're still independent.

- Compiled by Staff Writer Eamon Scarbrough