Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Club notes - April 30

Daughters of the American Revolution

The April meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution, El Portal chapter, was held at the home of Nancy Bauder.

The meeting was called to order by Vice Regent Cori Snobble. Opening rituals were followed. A committee report of officers and chairmen were given. Business on state conference was discussed.

In old business, a motion was made to purchase two copies of ‘They Signed Their Lives Away,’ about the lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. These will be donated to the libraries of Clovis and Portales. The Dona Stone account was used to purchase the books.

The May meeting will be May 6 at the home of Cori Snobble in Portales. This is the ‘Run for the Roses’ and ask all to wear their hats and gloves.

Present were Cori Snobble, Pam Wallace, Carol Nash, Jessie Strauch-Steele, Wenonah Hunton, Nancy Bauder and Alice Harshey-Bischoff.