Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Religion digest - May 12

Church hosting Mother’s Day event

CLOVIS — First Christian Church of Clovis is hosting a special Mother’s Day event following Sunday services, according to a release from the church.

Following its 10:30 a.m. Sunday service, moms are treated to a catered fried chicken dinner. Dads and kids are asked for a $2 donation per person.

“Usually our men pull this dinner together for the ladies,” said Jon Forrest, Lead Pastor at First Christian Church. “It has become one of our best attended services of the year. We’ve had some years we’ve had more people here for Mother’s Day than Easter. It always rivals (Easter attendance).”

Special gifts will be given to the oldest and youngest moms as well as to the mom with the most descendants, but Forrest said every women gets some gift because, Forrest said, “ we want all women to feel important whether they’ve had children or not.”

The church is located at 1700 N. Main St.

Religion Digest is compiled by Stephanie Losoya. Contact her at:

[email protected]

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