Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Club notes - May 14

Portales Woman’s Club

Portales Woman’s Club met on May 10 with President Cami Howl presiding.

The treasurer’s report was filed for audit, and the minutes were approved. A thank you note was read from Gaynelle Thomas.

The club voted to hold all meetings next year at 11:30 a.m. The president reported on state convention and announced the awards won by the club. Perfect attendance awards were given to Howl, Mary Lou Rowley and Sheryl Borden. Borden was also recognized for sponsoring the most new members for the club year.

Borden installed the new officers for 2017-2018 using the president’s theme “You Are An Important Piece of PWC.” Officers are President Cami Howl, First Vice President Amber Hamilton, Second Vice Presidents Jan Smartnick and Wanda Pettus, Third Vice Presidents Esther Bargas and Betsy Chavez, Recording Secretary Gloria Waggoner, Corresponding Secretary Cindy Miller and Treasurer Jessica Camacho.

There are no summer meetings. The next meeting is Sept. 13.

Beta Phi

Six members, one guest, of Beta Phi met April 4 at a local restaurant. Sandy Heath-hostess, Collene Baldwin, Sandy Heath, Jeff Heath, Laura Loflin, Patsy Lorenz, Royce Lorenz and Beverly Miller were in attendance.

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