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Health educator shares tips on stress reduction

PORTALES — Different people react differently to stress, but no matter who you are, stress often has physical repercussions as well as emotional.

That’s according to Health Educator Debbie Gentry of the New Mexico Department of Health, who spoke Thursday to Roosevelt County seniors gathered at the Community Services Center.

“Many studies show a correlation between stress and development of mood disorders, such as anxiety, depression,” Gentry said. “The body reacts with physical and mental and emotional responses ... So if you’re under a lot of stress all the time, that can develop into something else.”

Some signs that you are stressed that you may not relate to being stressed, said Gentry, can be skin irritation (such as a rash), craving sugar or some other junk food you don’t normally eat, headaches/migraines or jaw tenderness from gritting your teeth, eye twitches, hair loss and stomach or intestinal problems.

“Stress is not always caused by something terrible,” Gentry said; it can be caused by something that is a positive in your life, such as a job promotion or a loved one having a baby.

Elevated blood pressure and problems sleeping can also be symptoms of high stress, she said.

“Research suggests that stress can also bring on or worsen symptoms or diseases that you already have,” Gentry added. “Forty-three percent of all adults suffer from adverse health effects from stress. Stress in the work place costs the American industry more than $300 billion annually, because people are stressed, so they call in sick.”

She said 75 percent of doctor’s visits are due to stress ailments or complaints.

Gentry suggests several natural remedies to alleviate stress:

• Meditate, taking deep breaths

“You don’t have to sit on a yoga mat and cross your legs,” she said. “Just find a place you can be by yourself and let your thoughts go away. Just give time to not worry or think about things.”

• Exercise

• Take a hot bath

• Aroma therapies

• Herbal teas

• Reflexology — rubbing your feet

• Watch your diet — resist the urge to eat badly as a means of comfort

• Read.