Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Free well water testing to be hosted

PORTALES — The New Mexico Environment Department and the New Mexico Department of Health are hosting free Domestic Well Water Testing June 23-24 in Portales, according to an NMED news release.

The water testing will check pH, specific conductance and the levels of arsenic, fluoride, iron, sulfate and nitrate in residents’ well water. NMED and DOH staff will also be available to discuss concerns related to private wells and water quality, the release stated.

The event will take place at the Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office at 109 Airport Road. Water samples will be accepted from noon to 6 p.m. June 23, and from 9 a.m. to noon June 24.

To participate, residents need to bring at least a quart of their well water. It should be collected in a clean container, prior to any treatment and as close to the time of the event as possible, the release said.

Participants should allow water to run a couple of minutes prior to collection.

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