Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past - June 25

On this date ...

1977: Former President Gerald Ford, playing golf in Milwaukee, hit a spectator in the head with a tee shot.

The spectator suffered a cut that required six stitches to close, but was not seriously injured.

It wasn’t the last time Ford hit someone in the gallery with a golf shot. He once deadpanned, “I know that I am getting better ... because I am hitting fewer spectators.”

Comedian Bob Hope directed multiple jokes at the president’s golf game. He said playing with Ford inspired him to take lessons: “Not golf lessons. First aid.”

1977: The Fabrific Fabric Center was having an end-of-month clearance.

Brushed denim was $1.99 a yard.

Jersey prints were two yards for $1.

Purple and red polyester lining was four yards for 78 cents.

The fabric center was at 911 Main in Clovis.

Pages Past is compiled by Editor David Stevens. Contact him at: [email protected]

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