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U.S. experiencing social terrorism
President Franklin Roosevelt once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
This has never been more true.
We see fear spawning hatred, which is turning to violence. In America we are experiencing social terrorism.
This is evident in the so-called celebrities who feel they have an obligation to influence the populace about our president in crude and horrific ways.
Kathy Griffin posted an image of herself holding the severed head of Donald Trump, much like ISIS would. Johnny Depp proposed the idea that it has been awhile since an actor assassinated a sitting president. Madonna told a crowd she has thought about burning down the White House. A play about Caesar depicts the stabbing of a Trump look alike.
Etc., etc., ad nauseam.
All this while the populace is warned about saying and doing things that are “politically incorrect” such as having a moment of silence at a football game that got a Texas coach fired.
The shooting of Republican Congressman Steve Scalise and others is the result of this social terrorism.
Movie and television screens constantly depict murder, rape, theft, lying, cheating, drug use, adultery, child abuse, and degradation of women and it’s called “entertainment.”
And we, like dumb sheep led to slaughter, have not just allowed it; we encourage it.
What is almost as amazing is that these celebrities are getting rich from this “entertainment.”
The Bible warned that people would call evil good and good evil and light darkness and darkness light.
I see the pictures of children in third-world countries and the fear on their faces. As they grow that fear turns to hatred and then violence.
Wake up America lest you see that fear on your child’s face.
Carol Milner