Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Editorial: Driving tips not based in reality

Folks with Kars4Kids — the nonprofit that ranked New Mexico as having the second-most polite drivers in the nation — have clearly never driven in the Land of Enchantment.

The group sent out a nonscientific, 10-question survey online and got back 50 anonymous responses from each state. Idaho took the top spot; New York the last. (Welcome to the bottom, N.Y., we can use the company.)

Questions like the one asking what to do if you are being tailgated included options A. Move to the lane to your right; B. Increase your speed; C. Tap your brakes and/or decrease your speed; D. Maintain your speed.

New Mexicans know those answers have little to do with reality, where the most-often correct answer is E. – tap your brake, secure in the knowledge at least one of your brake lights might be working; act like you’re going to move over (sans turn signal, since only the left one works) but then don’t; slow down even more; and get ready to wave with one finger. If you missed a step, wait 30 seconds for the next tailgater to show up.

Who knows where the 50 New Mexicans who responded to the survey drive? Maybe Silver City, where, if you’re a particular elected official, you can drive like you’re drunk in the middle of the day and local and State Police will fix your flat tire and — politely — send you on your way.

— Albuquerque Journal