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There will be no Trump impeachment

For whatever reason, the term “impeachment” has been making a regular appearance in the media since Jan. 21.

Democrats on the far left, alas I repeat myself, have the strange idea that if Donald Trump is impeached, Hillary Clinton will become president. They get this from reading blogs created by people who have never read the United States Constitution and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 as subsequently amended to include the newly created cabinet offices.

A review of the succession list will indicate that there is no provision to place in office, “persons who have lost one or more presidential elections.”

During the Obama administration, no matter how hard they tried, Republicans could not stamp out the idea that they planned to impeach the president. No senior Republican leader — including House Speaker John Boehner, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell nor Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus — ever called for Obama’s impeachment.

On the other hand, Representative James Clyburn, third ranking Democrat in the house said, “There will be some reason found to introduce an impeachment resolution.”

Additionally, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wrote in a fund-raising letter that a Republican House and Senate could “waste months of our lives on impeachment.”

Before Trump was elected president, foreign officials were being assured by Clinton operatives that Trump would be impeached. Evelyn Farkas, a deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia in the Obama administration, spoke at the annual Warsaw Security Forum in 2016 and predicted Trump’s removal from office, “pretty quickly.” Farkas stated in full that, “We need an absolute repudiation of everything. All of the policies that Donald Trump has put out there. I am not afraid to be political. I am not hiding who I am rooting for. And I think it’s very important that we continue to press forward until election day and through election day to make sure that we have the right results. Actually, if Donald Trump were elected I believe he would be impeached pretty quickly or somebody else would have to take over government.”

Even before Trump was inaugurated, Georgia Democrat John Lewis told NBC News that, “I don’t see this President-elect as a legitimate president.”

And finally, Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters is joined by Democratic Rep. Al Green of Texas wailing for a Trump impeachment. Green called for the impeachment of Trump on the floor of the House of Representatives.

Donald Trump will not be impeached. Donald Trump will not quit. Donald Trump will be re-elected in 2020.

Rube Render is the Curry County Republican chairman. Contact him at: [email protected]