Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Club notes - Aug. 13

Beta Phi

Seven members of Beta Phi, Collene Baldwin, George Hay, Royce Lorenz, Patsy Lorenz, Beverly Miller, Suzy Moore, Wendy D.J. Slaughter and Zoey White, one pledge, Joennette Bass and two guests, Jeff and Sandy Heath, were at the Buffalo Grill and Salad Bar for lunch and to see the new pledge initiated by club President Beverly Miller.

Following initiation, the group went to United Way to donate school supplies and stuffed the bus.

Also, Epsilon Sigma Alpha Society was in the 47th Annual Pioneer Days Parade on June 3. The club’s banner adorned the front of the truck, on which the ladies sat on bales of hay. The club also had a horseman’s carriage decorated in red, white and blue. In the carriage were Linda and George Hay and Sandy and Jeff Heath. Other members present were Collene Baldwin, Laura Loflin, Royce Lorenz, Beverly Miller. The club won first place.

American Legion

The following officers were installed for:

American Legion Post 25

Commander Tom Creehan

1st Vice Philip Duran

2nd Vice Randy Lopez

Finance Officer R.E. Bartosiewicz

Service Officer Don Segura

Chaplain Ricky Sisneros

Historian Billy Garcia

Sgt. at Arms Daniel Tapia

Judge Advocate Carlos Torres

First board member Alfred Rubio

Board members Alfred Rubio, Albert Rubio, Anthony Chaves

Sons of the American Legion

Commander Michael Gallegos

1st Vice Manuel Segura

2nd Vice Jason Roche

Adjudant Ben Pacheco Jr.

Finance Officer Oscar Villanes

Chaplain Manuel Segura

Historian David Lopez

Sgt. at Arms Shawn Wimberly

American Legion Riders

President Johnny Harris

Vice President Larry Franklin

Secretary Janet Romero

Finance Officer Oscar Villanes

Historian Seth Carruth

Chaplain Andy Naz

Sgt. at Arms Jack Romero

Road Captain Tom Creehan

American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 25

President Janet Romero

Vice President Liz Villanes

Secretary Joanne Reyes Tapia

Treasurer Joanne Reyes Tapia

Chaplain Beverly Miller

Publicity Officer Beverly Miller

Executive committee members Virginia Wymore, Beverly Miller

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