Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

One good line deserves another

Following last week’s column about my 12-word memoirs, readers submitted theirs:

• One thing I like is a good show — lightning struck; sound/flash. — Sheila Schelling

• Norman Rockwell childhood; tragedies struck midlife; wonderful son, outdoors, and archaeology redeem. — David Kilby

• Similar background, time and place, who we are was laid in place. — Mike Harper

• We have come too far now to be stopped by a technicality. — Jason W. Brooks

• Raised by grandparents as own — Treated like stepchild by some family members. — Carol Meeking

• Straight line destination; circuitous route getting there. The journey — not the destination. — Rhonda Seidenwurm

• Reformed people pleaser finds life better when convictions are mine only. — Teresia Boyd Wims (Wims added, “I am sticking to my convictions and changing mine to 11 words. I have found there is a fine line between having convictions and being stubborn.”)

• A life with more ups than downs has made it all worthwhile. — Nancy Barrow

• Footprints in sand reminding us of where we’ve been. Don’t look back. — Elly Marez

• Attacking me is like invading a peaceful country — You’re unleashing unholy hell. — Bobby Jones

• I realized at 50 life was mine. Made the most of it. — Arwen Lynch Poe

• Spoke my truth as I saw it. Sometimes lost in the translation. — Robert Gilbert

• Thought my estranged half-sister was monster — After brainwashers disappeared, sisterly love appeared. — Susan Roach

• My tribe rejected me. I was lost for years. Then met Tim. — Margie Koger

• Started on the straight and narrow, found side roads fascinating and fulfilling. — Jean Wozencraft-Ornellas

• Aunt Faye cookin’-up delicious food. Memories of fried chicken and biscuits linger. — Rebecca Mull

• Wilting, fading, and drooping a little — like a vase of spent roses. — Glenda Manus

• I write to heal and peel off layers of deep dark secrets. — Kathleen Rodgers

• Black man, white wife, half-black kids — Most people cool; Don’t sweat rednecks. — Tony Meeking

• First memory 19 months, my grandmother Angela’s coffin. Haven’t forgotten anything since. — Ron Barker

• I’ve disappointed, been disappointed — Still believe in inherent goodness of almost everyone. — Wendel Sloan

• All my life limited by word counts. Only twelve? Surely you jest. — Betty Williamson

Contact Wendel Sloan at: [email protected]

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