Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Water authority mulls how to fill vacancy

CLOVIS — In filling the forthcoming vacancy in its executive director position, the Eastern New Mexico Water Utility Authority will likely cast a wide net, as discussed in its regular meeting Thursday afternoon.

Outgoing Executive Director Justin Howalt, whose resignation from the position is effective Oct. 1, said he will research options for publicly advertising the position in the coming weeks. Those options may include communications in media outlets in Albuquerque, Lubbock and Amarillo, as well as journals for public works professionals.

ENMWUA might also consider recruiting a “head-hunter” to identify qualified candidates from a broader reach.

Recommendations and final determinations from the authority as to how to proceed will occur no later than Sept. 21, at ENMWUA’s next tentatively scheduled meeting Sept. 21 in Portales.

Howalt departs the position after serving since May 2015, during which time ENMWUA advanced in “leaps and bounds,” said the authority’s Vice-Chair Sharon King.

In his new role as Clovis’ city manager, effective Oct. 2, Howalt “will always be a strong advocate” for the authority, he said Thursday.

Howalt also announced his resignation Tuesday from the Clovis Municipal Schools Board of Education.

Also at the ENMWUA meeting Thursday:

• Authority members unanimously approved an easement agreement for a property near Portales’ finished water tanks, as well as an application for $2.9 million in funding for the Water Trust Board.

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