Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
This week, I wanted to take an opportunity to update you on a few things going on here at The Eastern New Mexico News. Here goes:
• SUNDAY TV SECTION CHANGE: Beginning Sept. 3, we’re making some changes to our weekly “Just TV” product. The most noticeable switch is the change from a 24-page tabloid-sized section to 16 pages.
Don’t worry, all of the puzzles will still be there as well as the familiar “Best Bets” features. The only sacrifices we’re making are the listings from midnight-7 a.m. and some of the feature stories and photos.
The new section will be more compact and easier for you to find what you’re looking for each week.
• NEWSPAPERS IN EDUCATION: For years, we’ve participated in a program that provides complimentary newspapers to classrooms throughout Curry and Roosevelt counties as well as the districts in west Texas. It’s time to ramp things up again with the start of the new school year.
Information will be going out to teachers in early September, but I wanted to take the opportunity to let the educators know just how easy the process is. We supply you, the teacher, with free newspapers for your students, and you do what you will with them in the classroom. You can choose to have a paper delivered Monday through Friday or just one or two days each week.
If you want to get a jump on things, send me an email and let me know you’re interested. All we need from you is your email address and phone number, your name, your grade and school and a count of how many newspapers you’d like each week for your classroom. We’ll take care of the rest.
• NEW menu GUIDES COMING: The fall/winter edition of our menu guide will be included in Wednesday’s paper this week. As always, it’s chock full of menus and coupons that will come in handy to every reader.
We publish that pocket-sized special section twice a year. Additional copies are available in our offices in Clovis and Portales as well as each county’s respective chamber of commerce.
It’s a fantastic money-saver when you support local restaurants. Try out a new local restaurant that you’ve never been inside — or maybe haven’t been to in a while. Don’t forget your coupon.
Rob Langrell is the publisher of The Eastern New Mexico News. Contact him at: [email protected]