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God's grace comes in second chances

When I think about blessings this thanksgiving season, I realize God’s goodness and grace toward me is more than I deserve. I am most grateful for God’s grace, it given freely by God to me, regardless of my standing in society or my bank account.

Grace cannot be bought by merit and grace is not earned. Yet, I can say, even though I am so underserving, that God’s grace is sufficient each day and grace for me when it is needed.

I agree with Dwight L. Moody, the great preacher who said: “A man can no more take in a supply of grace for the future than he can eat enough today to last him for the next six months, nor can he inhale sufficient air into his lungs with one breath to sustain life for a week to come. We are permitted to draw upon God’s store of grace from day to day as we need it.”

To be sure, God gives us his grace each day as we need it. My friend told me about an experience with her grandson and it was a good example of grace.

Her 7-year-old grandson was staying with her until his mother got off work. He was busy trying out his new roller blades on the sidewalk outside his grandmother’s home. Yet, he seemed sad. This was the first Saturday after the new school year had started.

“Bobby’s” school year had gotten off to a rough start. His friends seemed to all be in the other classes.

Knowing about his disappointment, Bobby’s grandmother was determined to make a tasty lunch that would brighten his day. She lovingly made his favorite turkey sandwich with American cheese, on white bread that had the crust cut off.

After searching endlessly for an old cookie cutter, my friend cut the sandwich into the shape of a dinosaur. She arranged pepperonis in a circle, just like Bobby liked them. She made an impressive hill of ranch dressing in the middle of his plate, so that he could dip his crunchy carrots into the dressing. She even bent the rules by giving him one of his favorites — a cold can of Mountain Dew.

What a lunch.

The grandmother called Bobby in to eat, and she was hoping her act of love would help him push his second-grade disappointment into the background. Yet in his childlike way, Bobby came zooming into the kitchen on his new roller blades, hitting the table and tipping over the Mountain Dew into his plate. The sandwich, pepperonis, carrots, and ranch dressing were floating atop a pond of green gush.

Bobby, with an apprehensive stare at his grandmother said, “I think everything is ruined.”

With a smile, my friend picked up the plate and told Bobby, “Let’s start over.” She walked to the trash can and pitched the plate into the trash, with all of the ingredients now totally saturated in a slimy green color.

She could have scolded Bobby. He probably earned a good scolding for being so careless. She could have labeled him with hurtful adjectives, yet her actions told Bobby, “I love you. My child, you deserve a second chance. We are in this together.”

My friend showed such unconditional love and grace to her little grandson.

Suddenly the thought came to my mind ... isn’t this how God is with us? He shows us grace by giving us second and third chances.

We don’t deserve it. At times we are careless and disobedient and many times we know full well the consequences of disobedience. But God reaches down in his grace, and says. ”You are my child … I love you … Let’s begin anew. We are in this together.”

The ultimate act of love was what Jesus did on the cross. Paul wrote: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

And that grace is enough for salvation and everyday living. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

I am grateful this Thanksgiving for a God whose grace is truly matchless, above and beyond anything that I could ever imagine. I thank God for sending his Son. I thank God for my new life in Christ and the reality that he shows me grace every day.

Judy Brandon writes about faith for The Eastern New Mexico News. Contact her at: [email protected]