Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
CLOVIS — The Clovis city commission on Thursday unanimously approved the appointment of a senior services center task force to address the establishment of a new senior center at Hillcrest Park.
The task force will consist of 10 members: Commission on Older Adults Chair Donna Labatt, COA and Senior Olympics representative Melinda Coslett, COA representative Constance Williams, Curry Resident Senior Meals Association Executive Director Cherisse Perez, La Casa Senior Center Director Darlene Gonzales, City Senior Services Director Barbara Riggan, City Commissioners Tom Martin and Fidel Madrid and one representative each from Baxter-Curran Senior Center and Friendship Senior Center.
Also at Thursday's commission meeting:
• The board approved a request to rezone 12 lots in the Stagner Addition from Neighborhood Conservation Carport District to Neighborhood Conservation Prefabricated Carport District. Commissioners Juan Garza and Sandra Taylor-Sawyer were the only votes against the approval.
• Mayor David Lansford issued a proclamation declaring Monday as Kyla Myers Day. Myers, a Clovis resident and senior at West Texas A&M, is the reigning Miss Rodeo New Mexico and will compete at the Miss Rodeo America competition Dec. 3-10.
• The board did not vote on the donation of an ambulance to Quay County. City Manager Justin Howalt said the item would be delayed until the next commission meeting so a fire truck can be added to the donation as well.
• Clovis MainStreet Executive Director Lisa Pellegrino-Spear gave a report on Clovis MainStreet.
Pellegrino-Spear detailed a number of projects Clovis MainStreet is working on, including restoration of the Lyceum Theater, a downtown mural project and the railroad park.
• Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Ernie Kos presented a quarterly report.
During the report Kos said the restaurant give back program raised $18,455 for the library victims fund. Kos said a total of $50,000 was raised for the victims fund and $30,000 has been given to the United Way.