Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Roosevelt sheriff's office honored for helping in wake of library shooting

PORTALES — The Roosevelt County Sheriff's Office wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary on Aug. 28, but found itself assisting the Clovis Police Department during a major tragedy.

CPD Chief Doug Ford publicly recognized the sheriff's department during the Tuesday Roosevelt County Commission meeting for its assistance during a shooting at the Clovis-Carver Public Library in which 16-year-old Nathaniel Jouett is accused of killing two and sending four to the hospital.

"All of us have to work together, and on that day, it really showed through. That is one call you never want when you sit in my chair or a sheriff's chair," Ford said.

In the midst of the shooting, his department made a call for assistance to the Roosevelt sheriff's office and the Portales Police Department.

"They were able to come, help hold that scene, and take care of some of it, so I could free up people to get them back on the roadways to take care of calls for service; because whether we like it or not, the calls don't quit coming in," Ford said.

"Without your staff's help," Ford told county officials, "we would have never gotten that accomplished. Their professionalism really showed through, and I can't thank them enough for what they did to come and help us take care of that tragic situation and take care of our community."

Sheriff Malin Parker thanked his staff members for being ready to respond to the call of duty without question.

"I gave them a call, gave them an assignment, they left, they went and did their duty, and it went well, so thanks, guys," he said.

Also at Tuesday's meeting:

• Commissioners Paul Grider and Gene Creighton were elected chairman and vice chairman of the commission, respectively.

• Commissioners approved a resolution keeping commission meetings in compliance with the New Mexico Open Meetings Act.

County Manager Amber Hamilton described the resolution as a "housekeeping" item that is approved at the beginning of each year.

"There were no significant changes to speak of," she said.

• A resolution that regulates public participation in meetings was also approved.

• Commissioners approved resolutions allowing Hamilton to distribute vendor checks and enter contracts and settlement agreements.