On this date ...
1988: Auditions were announced for the 38th annual Floyd Jamboree scheduled to take place in March.
Phillip Russell had been elected by the Floyd Lions Club to serve as the "Big Fuzzy," or main coordinator for the upcoming Jamboree.
Auditions were open to "country/western or gospel singers, and special acts such as puppeteers and ventriloquists."
Program committee members were Rod Payne, Larry Buchanan, and Bruce Lee.
1988: A Clovis News-Journal feature called "Steps in Time," had multiple photos and a story about the afternoon dances that took place every first and third Sunday at the Friendship Center, which had opened in Clovis three years before.
Live music was provided by Los Laureles, a four-member local band with Sortero Sena and Gene Montoya on saxophone, Esequiel Cordova on guitar, and his brother Joe Cordova on bass.
"We make them feel good. That's why they keep coming back," Joe Cordova said. "It won't be but just a few years and I'll be their age, and I hope I'll be able to move like they do."
Pages Past is compiled by Betty Williamson. Contact her at: [email protected]