Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Candidate Q&As: Melrose village council

The following are Q&As with candidates for contested Melrose village council races.

Ronald Moore, H.P. Cargile and Stephen Moulds are running for two at-large positions on the council. Moore and Cargile currently hold the seats. Candidates were given the same questions, and asked to answer them on the spot.

Efforts to reach Moulds for comment were unsuccessful.

Ronald Moore

Why do you want to run?

I want to run to try to improve the village over here, try to get things for the kids to do and just see if the village is actually trying to grow versus die off, and that’s what everybody is worried about in this small community.

What do you feel qualifies you for the position?

I believe my military background and being a leader there has helped me. I’m also in the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers as a chief steward and I’ve done many things that way. Just my experience in the past has helped.

What’s an issue you want to tackle specifically during your term?

Specifically I would like to tackle our water problem we have over here. We’ve got a bunch of old cast iron pipes and this is just continuing what is already underway, but right now we’re unable to off just a section, we have to turn the whole city (system) off if we have a water main break. It’s something we need to do to improve the quality of the water system.

What is one simple thing the village or council could do to improve the lives of its residents?

To increase the equipment at the park for the kids.

Is there anything the village or council currently handles that you think would be better in the hands of private citizens?

Currently at this time, no, I don’t think the village or council does anything that could be done more efficiently through civilian hands, through the public.

H.P. Cargile

Why do you want to run?

Because I want to continue to serve in the community that I live in.

What do you feel qualifies you for the position?

Being that I've served the last four years and then I've served previously. I'm pretty familiar with the business of the village of Melrose and the day-to-day business.

What’s an issue you want to tackle specifically during your term?

Looking for opportunities that we can bring businesses to Melrose, that would be I think one of the biggest things.

What is one simple thing the village or council could do to improve the lives of its residents?

I would think that just anything that would be increasing the quality of life, be it for adults and or senior citizens as well. We're looking for whatever that opportunity might be, it's not any one thing. The thing that keeps on coming back to my mind would be some kind of retail establishment or something like that the people of Melrose can use, maybe a grocery store or something like that.

Is there anything the village or council currently handles that you think would be better in the hands of private citizens?

I can't think of anything at this time.

— Compiled by Staff Writer Jamie Cushman