Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past - March 2

On this date ...

1983: Clovis attorney Steve Quinn told the Clovis News-Journal that, "I can't remember when music hasn't been a significant, if not important, part of my life."

Quinn was interviewed as an ongoing feature highlighting community members talking about their music histories as part of "Music in Our Schools" week in Clovis.

"When I was very young, music was always present in my parents' home," Quinn said, "because my mother, who has graduate degrees from Juilliard, played and taught piano. She introduced me to classical, and my uncle turned me to jazz."

Quinn said he still played guitar for enjoyment and was also taking piano lessons.

1963: A thief with an eye out for fresh bacon had nabbed another hog in the Clovis area.

The latest hog to disappear was owned by Homer Childress of 218 Edwards St. He told Clovis police that someone had illegally lifted one of his hogs — a 90-pounder — from a pen on Brady Street.

Police calculated the loss for Childress and the gain for the thief at $18.45.

It was the most recent in a series of pork-nappings plaguing the community.

Pages Past is compiled by Betty Williamson. Contact her at: [email protected]

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