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Business group to provide program update

CLOVIS — The Small Business Development Center will provide an update about the program’s work at today’s Clovis Community College Board of Trustees meeting.

Business adviser for the SBDC Dominique Chairez said there will be a short presentation about the program including some information about their 2018 Star Client, Garden Source in Portales.

“In that meeting our whole goal is just to relate the program’s benefit for our host institution, which is CCC, and our ability to help students also,” Chairez said.

Beverly Aragon, administrative assistant to President Becky Rowley, said a program review with the board is an annual requirement for all of the college’s grant-funded programs.

Also on the agenda for today’s meeting, scheduled for 8 a.m. in room 512 at CCC, 417 Schepps:

• The board will vote on a proposal to raise procurement thresholds.

“That will allow us to make purchases more efficiently,” Aragon said.

• The board will vote on the list of fees for the summer and fall 2018 semesters.

• Rowley will update the board on developments at the past legislative session that occurred after the Feb. 7 meeting.

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