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Paving project receives support at hearing

CLOVIS — About 15 people attended Tuesday’s public hearing to discuss potential Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) projects for Curry County and they all seemed to have the same idea in mind.

A proposal to pave County Road 11 from Ranchvale Road to CR N received near-universal support from everyone in attendance.

“I think the message is going to be received loud and clear,” Eastern Plains Council of Government Executive Director Sandy Chancey said.

Curry County Road Superintendent Dennis Fury said if the CR 11 project was completed it would divert some vehicles away from heavily trafficked roads like Llano Estacado and US 60/84 and give another route for emergency response vehicles to access the hospital.

Fury and others cited the traffic on those two roads as why improvements to CR 11 are needed.

“My opinion is if any of you all have ever drove down Llano Estacado during the peak time of traffic, it is absolutely nearly impossible to cross,” Fury said.

“With the amount of traffic on Llano any time during (shift change at Cannon Air Force Base) or anything, it’s dangerous,” Megan de Maio said. “I drive my kids to school every morning during that and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been ran off the road or onto the shoulder because people fail to yield at that yield sign.”

Curry would be eligible to receive up to $750,000 for whichever project is selected with a 10 percent cash match from the county, meaning there would be a minimum of $825,000 available, though Chancey said the county could always could contribute more than the required match.

Fury said $825,000 should be enough to get most of the road done, if not all of it.

Chancey said because the project must follow federal guidelines, drainage improvements would need to be included, which could raise the amount of money needed.

“Drainage would definitely have to be addressed and sometimes that can run your project’s cost up,” Chancey said.

Though CR 11 dominated the conversation, it was not the only potential project that was discussed.

Curry County Fire and Safety Director David Kube said the county has been considering a new Ranchvale Fire Station, which Chancey said would be eligible to receive CDBG funds.

Curry County Commissioner Chet Spear said Cannon Air Force Base is considering re-opening its fire station, which could then meet the needs in that area without requiring grant money.

Other public hearings are scheduled for 9 a.m. March 30 and 5:30 p.m. April 2 in the commission chambers at the Curry County Administrative Complex, 417 Gidding St., to get more input and see if there are any other suggestions for potential CDBG projects.

The Curry County Commission will then choose a project to apply for at its April 3 meeting.

CDBG grants come from the U.S. Department of Housing and Development and must either benefit people with low and moderate income, prevent slum or blight or meet a life-threatening need in the community.