Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past - April 18

On this date ...

1978: Forty Curry County women spent a day honing their mechanic skills and fine-tuning their sharpshooting in courses offered by the Curry County Extension Office.

The women began the day with Powder Puff Mechanics, a quick overview of auto maintenance that included changing a fan belt, checking oil and antifreeze, and learning to use jumper cables to boost a dead battery.

Then it was off to the shooting range for a self-defense class taught by the Clovis Police Department. After the women learned how to clean and handle guns, they worked on target practice.

1973: Jim Pierce and Marcia Leavell were named outstanding man and woman for the community of Texico at the first Chamber of Commerce banquet held in the Texico school cafeteria.

Pierce was principal of Texico High School, and Leavell worked as the secretary to the superintendent for the Texico schools.

In a report on local successes, Chamber President Bill Christian said 20 new homes had been completed in Texico in the last few years, and that the population had increased "20 to 25 percent" during that time.

"We are making progress," Christian told those assembled. "Perhaps not spectacularly, but we are laying the groundwork for future growth."

Pages Past is compiled by Betty Williamson. Contact her at: [email protected]

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