Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Area teachers nominated for award

A dozen area school teachers have been nominated for the Golden Apple Award given annually to teachers who exhibit excellence in the classroom, according to a news release from the Golden Apple Foundation of New Mexico.

The 329 nominees around the state are eligible to apply for the Golden Apple Award. Seven winners will be selected in November.

Award recipients receive a $4,000 professional development fund, a $1,500 cash prize and induction into the Golden Apple Academy of Fellows.

The following local school teachers were nominated for the 2019 Golden Apple Award:


• Roxanne Mitchell, Sandia Elementary School

• Shelly Grim, The Arts Academy at Bella Vista

• Christi Hartley, The Arts Academy at Bella-Vista

• Amy Brazil, The Arts Academy at Bella-Vista

• Ruth Bridgwater, The Arts Academy at Bella-Vista

• Bethanie Baker, Yucca Middle School

• Genette, Moore, Zia Elementary School


• Rhonda Murray, Grady Elementary School


• Elisabet Salgado, Brown Early Childhood Center

• Doug Poynor, James Elementary

• Kelli Morrison, Portales High School

• Deloris Garcia, Valencia Elementary School

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