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You can solve problems or play politics

When you imagine solving some problem, what kind of solution do you envision: permanent or political? Win-win or win-lose?

How would you rather fix things? Permanently and where everyone wins, or politically where someone wins at the expense of others who are harmed?

If you choose the political option, those you harm will keep trying to turn the tables. They may claim to only want to stop the harm they are suffering; but when they get the chance, they’ll repay everything they suffered, with interest, and the problem will keep coming back.

This shows the difference between using the economic method to fix things or the political method to kick the can down the road a ways.

Sometimes you’ll even run into someone who doesn’t really want a solution. Often, as in the case of crime, they profit too much off the problem — financially or politically — to want it gone. This is behind much of the resistance to ending both drug prohibition and “gun control.” A solved problem makes political power evaporate. Certain people fear this happening.

But why hand your destiny to sociopaths? Work around them. Ignore them. Shut them out of the conversation. Find solutions in spite of their stubbornness.

True solutions will never violate natural human rights nor stand in the way of exercising those rights; of living your liberty.

I can’t respect those who believe your rights and liberty are subject to their opinions (which they’ll call laws), and who back their opinions with threats of violence (known as law enforcement). I don’t understand this type of thinking.

Your right to live in liberty doesn’t scare me, because liberty is self-regulating. You can never have too much liberty since you never have the right to violate others. Your liberty to do anything you want stops where the other person’s rights begin. No outside force, beyond self-defense, is needed.

You only get the liberty you respect in others. If you don’t respect the rights of others, you seem to be giving others permission to ignore your rights, too.

If I invite you into my home or business I’m never going to ask you to leave your rights at the door. If I’m afraid of what you might do, why invite you in? It doesn’t make sense.

Liberty can solve so many problems, but you have to want the problem solved before you’ll consider it.

How about you? Do you want to solve problems, or would you rather keep doing politics?

Farwell’s Kent McManigal champions liberty. Contact him at:

[email protected]

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