Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

More civic engagement enriches lives

Times have changed. Things have changed. People have changed. These are just a few examples of the statements of generalities we’ve likely heard.

Change is inevitable and can be positive.

Recently, I’ve experienced a change that seems to be impacting our communities unfavorably — the decline in community involvement.

This concept of being community minded and civically involved has been on my heart. It seems the harvest is truly plentiful in our community, but the workers are not as bountiful. My hope is more young adults will embrace the opportunity of community and civic engagement.

Local statistics follow national trends as fewer adults are active members of civic organizations, churches, or school volunteer groups just to name a few.

Our local communities are rich with heritage and tradition, and the necessary workers to reignite a local passion in service. The opportunities to make a positive change and lasting impact seem endless, regardless of the national landscape or world temperament.

My grandparents were and my parents remain involved members of their community. They have served in church and civic organizations, volunteered with hundreds of school and community activities and were extremely generous with their time. They served in leadership roles, on the school board, and were worker bees when needed as well. I’m thankful for my parents and grandparents illustrating a lifestyle of living “community minded.”

Community involvement and volunteer experience help positively shape and prepare our future workforce. There are amazing youth organizations locally to develop and inspire our younger generations to get involved. It is important to remember that being community minded is not necessarily associated with one’s monetary capacity, but rather is a heart issue. A desire to serve; a focus beyond ourselves or household, and a commitment of time align more closely to this mindset.

We have so many amazing examples of community servants locally. Many of these examples are older adults willing to share their experiences and wisdom. They embrace the opportunity to invest in the next generation. These individuals inspire my continued civic engagement and community involvement. Their selfless spirit and passion for local engagement are contagious. Thank you to every resident choosing to be community minded. Thank you for investing in our communities and our future. Thank you for serving as a living example to others.

For anyone not involved in your community, seek your opportunity to make a difference. There will always be a need you can meet. The feelings of accomplishment, joy and positivity can and will carry over to other aspects of your life.

Roosevelt County Manager Amber Hamilton is involved with Trinity Church, Portales Woman’s Club, Philanthropic Educational Organization and Roosevelt County Crimestoppers. Contact her at: [email protected]

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