Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Our people: Business, family and wonderful memories

My legal name is Alexandra Floyd but people may know me by my nickname Sandy. I was named after my mother’s best friend from high school. I have two brothers, one older and one younger. My father died when I was nine in a work related accident. He was the first person I knew who passed away. Every year after that, except for one year in high school, someone I knew passed! My mother thought I'd be a morbid child going to so many funerals and memorials. Despite the sorrow, I had the best childhood and have wonderful memories growing up! Lots of friends, lots of things to do. I loved being outside playing with the neighborhood kids, roller skating, jumping rope, playing kick the can and riding bikes. My husband and I own Daylight Donuts in Portales and we have a son Jared and a daughter Jody who both graduated from Eastern New Mexico University.

How did you meet your spouse?

I met my husband, Thane, at church in Los Alamos. He had moved there from Oklahoma and his parents opened their donut shop. Our first date was his senior prom. We double dated with a friend of his. I was a sophomore hanging with three seniors. We were so pathetic! We were both painfully shy and awkward. I waited all summer long for him to ask me out again. Right before school started I asked him to dinner and a movie. He accepted. I drove. After that we pretty much went out every Saturday night and of course to school dances! He stayed in town and took college classes and waited for me to graduate. I used to call him every morning at 6:30 a.m. and talk for 30 minutes before school. Now he calls me every morning at 3 a.m. to wake me up before work!

What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of?

I think my biggest accomplishments are a thriving business, raising my kids and being married to my high school sweet heart for (almost) 35 years!

Tell us about your favorite hobby.

I've had many hobbies over the years: playing softball (haven't done that in a long time), hiking, camping, cross stitching, scrap booking, collecting wind chimes and salt and pepper shakers. I have over 150 shakers! My mother bought my first set and told me to get started on it. I have well over 150 sets. I always look in antique stores for them or if I find a cute or interesting set in a catalog I'll buy them. Family and friends get them as presents for me and sometimes I just find them at my door. Seriously!

What’s your idea of a perfect day?

My idea of a perfect day would be spending lots of time with my family! Both our children live elsewhere: My son and daughter-in-law live in Oregon with my grand dog Charlie and grand kitty Murs. My daughter and son-in law and their 2-year-old daughter Sybil live in Albuquerque. I only get to see the Oregon crew once a year if that and there is never enough time to get to see my granddaughter & her parents. She, of course, is adorable! It has been wonderful to watch life happen. More of THAT, with them, would be awesome!

— Compiled by Staff Writer Jamie Cushman