Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past - Oct. 28

On this date ...

1968: Marine 2nd Lt. Omer L. Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur O. Gibson of Portales, had made his first solo flight in a jet aircraft, according to the "Area Men in Service" column in the Clovis-News Journal.

"He made the flight in a T-2A 'Buckeye' jet trainer while undergoing basic jet flight instruction with Training Squadron Seven at the Naval Air Station," in Meridian, Mississippi, the paper reported.

Basic jet training consisted of 90 hours of flight experience in the Buckeye and 200 hours of academic instruction in aircraft engineering, meteorology, navigation and naval leadership.

Gibson was a graduate of Eastern New Mexico University.

Pages Past is compiled by David Stevens. Contact him at:

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