Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Reporter's notebook: Chocolate carries the vote

Finally, a topic Democrats and Republicans can mostly agree on: Chocolate.

KTQM radio moderator Grant McGee opened Tuesday’s political forum asking candidates’ opinions about chocolate.

Curry County Clerk Annie Hogland said she buys three chocolate chip cookies each morning from a drive-through.

State Rep. candidate Martin Zamora, R-Clovis, said he and his wife like to pair chocolate with a salty snack while on the road.

Magistrate Judge candidate Nicole Roybal said “it makes everything better.”

Incumbent Curry County Assessor Candace Morrison named her favorite manufacturer of the stuff.

Each candidate, on both sides of the aisle, also came out strongly in favor of ... tipping your server.

Political peace was achieved, at least for a few minutes.

— Compiled by Staff Writer David Grieder

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