Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Our people: Aviation aficionado

My name is Carlos Arias. I run my own consulting company and am an aviation aficionado. I'm a pretty positive person whose whole life revolves around my family. I'm also one of the luckiest guys I know, I married way better then I deserve! My wife Amanda and I have two children: daughter Allison, 15, and son Mark, 8.

What would you do if you won $1 million?

A million bucks would buy me a pretty dang nice airplane!

What's your idea of a perfect day?

My idea of a perfect day starts off with breakfast with my family. Me and my son annoying my wife and daughter until we get removed from the kitchen, something we do at least once a week. I'm pretty sure my son and I enjoy it more than my wife does! The rest of the day would be spent at the local airport messing with airplanes. The perfect end to a perfect day would be a late afternoon flight staying up long enough to get that awesome sunset photo from the cockpit.

What is your theme song?

This is an easy one "Staying Alive" by the Bee Gees. I picture myself walking down the street with that playing in the background all the time.

What are you reading?

I am currently reading "My Logbook" by Gunther Rall. It's about a German World War 2 ace who arguably was one of the best fighter pilots of WWII on any side.

What do you collect?

I collect trapper pocket knives. I've got a decent sized collection of over a hundred knives.

Favorite quote?

I'm not 100 percent sure that Leonardo Da Vinci said this but my favorite quote is: "For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

If money were no object, what would you do to make eastern New Mexico a better place?

I would open an airport that was more inclusive and friendly towards pilots and new business.

What's an accomplishment you're proud of?

Learning to fly airplanes has to be my number one accomplishment. There is nothing in my opinion that compares to soloing an airplane for the first time.

Tell us about your favorite hobby.

Well in case there was any doubt from my other questions my favorite hobby is rollerblading. Just kidding! I really enjoy flying. The freedom and exhilaration is addicting.

- Compiled by Staff Writer Jamie Cushman

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