Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Clovis officials to hear jail renovation update

CLOVIS — The detention center addition and renovation project will dominate a light agenda at Tuesday’s Curry County Commission meeting as commissioners are set to hear an update on the project from HB Construction, vote on a flooring change order and take a tour of the site following the meeting.

Curry County Manager Lance Pyle said weather delays have moved the expected completion date of the project from October 2019 to November 2019, but other than that the renovation and addition is going smoothly.

If approved, the change in flooring material would result in a $25,416 savings to the county. The $11.56 million project includes a new housing unit, medical unit and salleyport.

Also on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting, scheduled for 9 a.m. in the commission chambers at the Curry County Administrative Complex, 417 Gidding:

n The meeting will be followed by an executive session to discuss limited personnel matters, according to the agenda.

n The commission will vote on a resolution amending the county’s 2020-2024 Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan to include two new projects, a re-roof of the La Casa Medical Center and the demolition of three Main Street properties to construct a parking lot.

The commission approved the purchase of the three properties for a total of $190,073 at its Nov. 21 meeting.

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