Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

CCC president named to governor-elect's labor transition team

Clovis Community College President Becky Rowley was one of 10 individuals named to Governor-elect Michelle Lujan Grisham’s labor transition team for the department of workforce solutions on Monday.

“I am honored and pleased to be named,” Rowley said. “I think my particular interest and expertise will be looking at the connection between economic development and education.”

Rowley said she suspected that her role as the president of the Independent Community College Association and previously serving on the state’s workforce board led to her inclusion on the transition team.

Rowley said her role will include meeting with representatives from the department of workforce solutions to make recommendations to the new governor, with a report due by the end of the month.

“Really (I want) just to be able to make sure that we look carefully at how education influences economic development and how there’s a mutual relationship between the two,” Rowley said.

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