Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Curry gets water update

CLOVIS - During the public input portion of Tuesday's meeting, the Curry County Commission heard an update on the chemical contamination affecting private wells near Cannon Air Force Base.

27th Special Operations Wing Director of Staff Rick Masters said phase one of the Air Force's response began this week with meetings between Air Force officials and affected property owners.

Masters said phase one includes collecting data to determine what filtration systems are needed to address the contamination, and estimated it would be several months before filtration systems are installed.

Also during public comment, Clovis resident Jack Muse said he objected to Rep. Randy Crowder, R-Clovis, being limited to three minutes to speak on the economic development resolution and the commission's 4-1 vote to support bringing a racino to Clovis at the Nov. 27 commission meeting.

"I believe you are elected because of who you are, the principles that you have, your internal core values, and I think that you didn't stand by those very good," Muse told commissioners.

Commissioners Chet Spear and Seth Martin participated in the meeting via telephone.

Also at Tuesday's meeting (all votes 5-0):

• An executive session to discuss limited personnel matters was canceled. Curry County Manager Lance Pyle said it would likely be moved to the commission's Dec. 18 meeting.

• The commission approved a $25,416 change order related to flooring materials in the new housing unit that is part of the ongoing detention center addition and renovation project.

HB Construction Senior Project Manager Josh Kamplain gave an update on the project, telling the commission it is about 33 percent complete and weather has moved the expected completion date from Oct. 15 to Nov. 8.

• The commission approved an amended Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan, adding an estimated $250,000 re-roof project at La Casa Medical Center and an estimated $575,000 parking lot project on Main Street in Clovis.

Facilities Maintenance Superintendent Ben Roberts said the roof at the La Casa Medical Center is the original roof from the 1990s and has had several leaks fixed over the years.

The commission approved the purchase of three Main Street properties for a total of $190,073 with the intention of building a parking lot.