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Shutdown delays property sale

CLOVIS — While the longest shutdown in the history of the federal government ended late last month, its effects are still being felt by the Eastern Plains Council of Governments.

EPCOG Executive Director Sandy Chancey told the board at its meeting on Wednesday that the closing of its rental property sale to J.L. Gray Co. was delayed due to the shutdown.

Chancey said the projected closing date was Dec. 31 but was delayed because the company is utilizing federal funds for the purchase and was in the middle of the loan approval process when the government closed.

Now expected to close by the end of February, Chancey said if the sale is not finalized before EPCOG’s next meeting, an executive session will be scheduled to discuss the issue.

EPCOG initially approved the $150,000 purchase of the Ruth Visage Apartments, Rio Pecos Estates and San Jon Estates in October 2017.

Chancey said the company has provided $50,000 “in good faith,” while the other $100,000 is much-needed revenue for EPCOG.

Also at Wednesday’s meeting:

n The board approved moving its annual meeting from June to August, which Chancey said would allow for EPCOG’s new representatives who join the board in July to participate.

n In her report to the board, Chancey said EPCOG’s fiscal year 2018 audit had no findings and has been submitted to the state auditor’s office for approval.