Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past - April 17

On this date ...

1964: Clovis High School’s Richard Osburn had the fastest time in the state for the 180-yard low hurdles: 20.2 seconds. Teammate John Cook had recorded the second-fastest time in the mile run: 4:30. Only Roswell’s Web Loudat (4:18.3) had covered the mile faster among New Mexico schoolboys.

In other local sports news:

• Causey was preparing to build a new gymnasium after voters approved a $4,880 bond measure by a vote of 54-31.

• Walley’s Girls were leading the team events in the Clovis Women’s City Bowling Tournament. Team members were Ann Porter, Ann Kluever, Dorothy Brisco, Betty Fortune and Carleen LaBonte.

Pages Past is compiled by David Stevens. Contact him at:

[email protected]