Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Club notes - May 12

Portales Woman’s Club

Amber Hamilton, president, presided over the final meeting of Portales Woman’s Club on Wednesday at the club building. Gaynelle Thomas gave the invocation and led the pledges and club collect. Sixteen members and five guests were present.

The April minutes were approved with two changes and the treasurer’s report will be filed for audit. Gloria Waggoner introduced Samantha Bartl, a graduating senior at Portales High School, who thanked the club for the local club scholarship as well as the GFWC New Mexico Donohoo/Pendleton scholarship. The club approved the bylaws and a motion that the incoming president reinstate the bylaws committee to determine that all areas comply with the state and international bylaws.

Melody Pierson, hospitality chair, presented Amber Hamilton with a gift from the club in recognition of her service as President for 2018-2019. Hamilton introduced Dr. Patrice Caldwell who conducted the officer installation based on the President’s theme of “Women of Substance.”

Those installed were: Sheryl Borden, president, Wanda Pettus, second vice president, Melody Pierson, third vice president, Gloria Waggoner, recording secretary, Cindy Gentry, corresponding secretary and Gaynelle Thomas, parliamentarian. Those officers not present included: Cindy Miller, first vice president, Linda Short and Kristen Kuhlman, co-treasurers and Betsy Chavez, co-second vice president.

Sheryl Borden announced that she was dedicating her year as president to Gaynelle Thomas. June Ferguson, hostess chair, introduced her committee, Edwina Gower and Esther Bargas. The next club meeting will be on Sept. 11.

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