Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Our people: Surrounded by family

My name is Kelly Jo Fish. I am the youngest daughter to three amazing and supportive parents Dee (wife Mikie) and Lynette Fish. Outside of my parents my biggest role model and the one who has blessed my life to the fullest is my grandmother, Dixie Jacobs. I am beyond blessed to come from two astounding families, the Jacobs of Melrose and the Fishes of Ranchvale. While I have two great jobs - social worker for Clovis Municipal Schools and a cosmetologist/barber at The Klassy Kactus - there is no greater role in my life than getting to be an aunt to four of the cutest kids around: my cousin Kelci, 9, (Travis and Kyla Redden), two nieces Onna and Oliva, 5, (Blake and Amanda Switzer) and Kanon Colt, 3, (Seth and Chesnea Clemmons), all of which are expecting over the next four months.

What would you do if you won $1 million?

I would open an adolescent homeless shelter to better serve local students.

What is your most prized possession?

When I graduated high school my maternal grandmother Dixie Jacobs made me a quilt from the material left over from paternal grandmother Nelda Jean Fish who passed away when I was 11 months old. While this quilt holds a special place in my heart, any quilt I get from my grandma is priceless.

What's your idea of a perfect day?

My idea of the perfect day would be one spent with family at the farm, followed by grilling and playing 42 after a rain shower with a beautiful New Mexico sunset.

If you could have a super power, what would it be and why?

Wake up and get where I'm supposed to be on time!

What does your garden grow?

I am not very successful in growing anything other than an aloe vera plant. I would consider myself to have more of a gray thumb than a green one. My plants and attempts at a garden haven't died, but they constantly live in a state of "barely living."

What do you collect?

Old barber supplies; I have a 1920's Koken barber chair along with a collection of old straight razors, strops and other supplies.

Do you have a celebrity crush?

Ryan Reynolds, Gerard Butler and Dr. Kerev from "Grey's Anatomy."

Favorite quote?

"Well/We'll, figure it out!" - My mom

Anytime I had a problem, couldn't make a decision or life was getting hard, I'd go to my parents; my mom would tell me either "well, figure it out" or "we'll figure it out." My parents have always had my back and supported me in everything I've done. They pushed my sister and I to be everything we are today including stubborn, independent, hard-working and grounded in our families. They weren't afraid to let us fail or struggle throughout the process - which has probably made us more independent and stubborn - but they have always been there for us during the good and bad. There is always an answer/solution if you look hard enough, so don't panic, cry or pout, just "figure it out!"

What would you like for your last meal?

I don't know about my last meal - hopefully that is a long way off but I would again love a "Nelda Burger." If you're from Melrose, you get it!

What do you hope your life will be like in 10 years?

In 10 years I hope to be married, have kids of my own and again live in the country. I hope to still be working with adolescents in some form and/or have my own business. Ultimately, in 10 years I hope to still be able to find the positive in every situation, be healthy, able to travel and have all of my family still around talking mess and giving each other a hard time, all while continuing to being loyal to a fault.

Tell us about your favorite hobby.

My hobbies would probably be building things/crafting, shopping for "junk" or in the barn with show animals. I have waited many moons to have younger family members be of age to show. I love the memories of cousins showing (fights included) and now getting to do the same thing with Kelci. The fun part about showing is the unknown disaster awaiting to strike; if something is going to go wrong, it will happen a week before fair! Regardless of the outcome, we always try to laugh it off (some things sooner than others), focus on the time together and getting to continue the family tradition of showing and raising livestock together.

Who is "your person" and why?

I am fortunate to be able to identify numerous people as "my person" on any given day. One person I never want to do life without though is my sister, Chesnea Clemmons. She is my best friend and the one who gets me even when I don't get myself. She is resilient, strong, determined, compassionate, always a phone call away and my comfort zone when I need one. She has never failed to be there for me, and after having a hand in helping me become the person I am, she is now a phenomenal mom to my nephew Kanon Colt and their new blessing to be expected in September.

- Compiled by Staff Writer Jamie Cushman