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Keep American spirit of 1776 alive

America was born in an act of secession. Those future Americans told an overbearing central government — the world’s most powerful empire and military at the time — it was no longer welcome. It had lost the consent of the people.

Of course, the overbearing central government didn’t want to let go. They never do. It had to be convinced. Its military had to be defeated and sent away.

It’s a precedent that should be continued to this day.

Washington, D.C., is much worse, by every measure, than King George III ever dreamed of being. The overbearing central government America is now burdened with steals many times more in taxes than its British predecessor did, and claims to have the imaginary authority to watch and control every aspect of our lives. Not only the lives of Americans but the lives of people all over the globe.

This is the height of arrogance.

Washington D.C. has become a global empire. A global empire can’t last. They never do.

How much will Americans put up with before they finally tell this overbearing central government to pound sand — and back it up with meaningful action after the inevitable refusal?

Federal supremacists believe Abraham Lincoln’s war settled the question of whether states are allowed to divorce the Union or are obligated to be eternally crushed under the heel of a relationship that no longer benefits their people. Any union that can’t be withdrawn from is no longer a union; it is slavery.

I never support slavery under any conditions — in fact, I’m more firmly against slavery than is anyone who believes in governing others.

Slavery was already dying out in the Western world. It would have soon ended in America, too, without killing multitudes of Americans and rejecting the spirit of the Declaration of Independence in the process.

Even if you don’t want to secede from Mr. Lincoln’s union, you should keep the threat alive in the minds of the politicians and bureaucrats in Washington. A credible secession movement might slow the growth of the American police state. If it doesn’t, you may eventually change your mind.

It’s not that I believe the 50 state governments are better. They need to be seceded from as well, but it can wait.

America began with an act of secession; I believe secession is something the real American spirit can’t survive without.

This Independence Day, keep the American Spirit of 1776 alive. Celebrate the honorable American tradition of secession.

Farwell’s Kent McManigal champions liberty. Contact him at:

[email protected]

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