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Tribalism is a growing threat to US democracy

“Be polite, be professional and have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

— Retired Marine Corps General and Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis talking to his Marines in Iraq

James Mattis is a warrior, and the above quote reported by is one sample of what reporters who covered him over the years refer to as “Mattisisms” — comments by a tough-as-nails military leader with a keen intellect and gruff exterior. This isn’t somebody afraid of the fray.

So, when someone like James Mattis warns that bitter political divisions threaten American society and growing “tribalism” in America is a greater threat than our foreign adversaries, it’s time both sides of the political divide paid attention.

“We all know that we’re better than our current politics,” he wrote in an essay adapted from his new book and published this month in the Wall Street Journal. “Unlike in the past, where we were unified and drew in allies, currently our commons seems to be breaking apart.”

Mattis no doubt was criticizing his former boss, President Donald Trump, who has taken political invective to a new level.

Taking thinly veiled aim at Trump, Mattis wrote that “a polemicist’s role is not sufficient for a leader. … ”

Without mentioning names, Mattis doesn’t let Trump’s strongest critics off the hook, either, writing that together they are engaged in destructive politics.

A recent example of the anti-Trump? Washington Post opinion writer Jennifer Rubin said during an appearance on MSNBC that the only way to purge the GOP of Trump supporters is to “burn down the Republican Party” with “no survivors.” She also called on shunning Trump supporters as a statement of moral indignation that these people are not fit for polite society.

It makes one wonder whether Rubin would also favor Mao-style re-education camps for the millions of Americans she clearly despises.

It’s the kind of dangerous rhetoric by both sides that concerns Mattis.

“We are dividing into hostile tribes cheering against each other, fueled by emotion and a mutual disdain that jeopardizes our future, instead of rediscovering our common ground and finding solutions,” Mattis wrote.

It’s not likely Trump will, or even can, change his stripes. And, just as sadly, there hasn’t been any hint on the Democrat side of the muddled residential candidate field that there is any interest in trying to unite the country rather than “burn down” the opposition.

It’s time Americans took a breath, stepped back and asked whether we really want to continue down this road. Because, as Jim Mattis says, our Democracy is an experiment and “tribalism” must not be allowed to destroy it.

— Albuquerque Journal