Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Committee to begin planning outreach

PORTALES — The Roosevelt County Complete Counts Committee will meet at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Memorial Building to appoint a secretary and begin planning outreach efforts for the 2020 Census.

The committee will present its 2020 Census Integrated Communications Plan that will highlight opportunities the committee will have to work with hospitals, religious communities, school districts and other local entities to help inform the public about the importance of participating in the 2020 Census.

There will be discussions on plans to create a local social media campaign, planning events at local venues and enlisting members for a team of messengers who will work with the U.S. Census Bureau enumerators when they begin visiting the homes of non-responders starting in May.

The meeting will also have updates in regard to an ICounts grant and a Con Alma Health Foundation grant opportunity to help with the committee’s efforts.

Part of the discussions will attempt to identify and alleviate many common concerns people have that may prevent them from filing for the Census. This mainly involves concerns about confidentiality and privacy in regard to data provided for the Census, which is kept private.