Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past - Oct. 23

On this date ...

1969: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tindle had purchased the Tennison house on Second Street in Melrose.

In other Melrose news, compiled by Mrs. Carol Bennett:

• Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bryant had moved into the Acea Morgan rent house.

• Mr. and Mrs. George Beam and two children had moved into the apartments on Third Street. George had been employed as music director for Melrose schools.

• Mr. and Mrs. Tuffy Potter, along with their children Beverly, Terry and Ricky, had purchased the Coffelt Grocery and moved to an apartment behind the grocery. They planned to move to Earnest Cooper’s rent house when he finished remodeling.

Pages Past is compiled by David Stevens. Contact:

[email protected]