Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
PORTALES — The Roosevelt County Commission kicked off its first meeting of the year by taking care of some yearly business, first of which was appointing a new chairman and vice-chairman.
Chairman Shane Lee relinquished his position to former vice-chair Matthew Hunton, with Tina Dixon then stepping into the role of vice-chair for the year.
The commission went on to approve several general items requiring re-approval at the start of each year.
First was to add both the new chairman and vice-chair as authorized signatory officials for the county’s banking accounts at JP Stone Community Bank.
The commission also approved resolutions to comply with the New Mexico Open Meetings Act, acknowledge public participation in county meetings, delegate the authority to disburse county vendor checks to the county manager and also allow the county manager to enter certain contracts on behalf of the county.
Other notable items from the Tuesday morning meeting include:
• The commission considered a request to close South Roosevelt Road 30 1/2 to South Roosevelt Road AK due to dumping concerns in the area.
County Manager Amber Hamilton noted that the county would need to contact oil companies that may need access to the area before coming to a decision because closing the road and forcing a detour could create significant costs to those that currently use the road.
• Hamilton presented the county manager’s report, stating the county’s most recent state audit would be available soon. She said most of the previous findings have been resolved, with one major exception being the Sheriff’s Office money-handling policy, which was only rectified with a policy change by the commission last month.
• Members of the commission took time to comment on the annual detention center tour taken last meeting.
Hunton said the facility seemed secure and satisfactory and that the commission had no complaints following the tour.
Lee stated that he’s happy to see the detention center is continuing to improve its facilities with each visit.
Detention Center Administrator Justin Porter presented a report at the meeting, stating there were 79 inmates with 26 female and 53 males. Porter added the facility has finished its LED lighting project and has five new cadets in training.
Security renovations to the facility are planned for later this year.
• The agenda’s executive session was canceled.