Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past - Feb. 23

On this date ...

1975: The worst snow storm in five years had swept across the High Plains, “marooning motorists, sparking traffic pileups and generally making life miserable for eastern New Mexico and West Texas residents,” the Clovis News-Journal reported.

Temperatures were in the low 20s and winds whipped to 25 mph, producing wind-chill factors of 15 below zero, the newspaper reported.

Snow drifts were reported at 4 and 5 feet around the region.

The storm drove cattle into bunches against fences, which could not contain them. About three dozen cows were reported along Clovis’ Thornton Street, “obviously seeking shelter from the storm,” the newspaper reported.

Pages Past is compiled by David Stevens. Contact:

[email protected]

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