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The magnitude of the Colorado River’s decline (because of climate change) as outlined in the Science paper is “eye popping.”
— Brad Udall, senior scientist at Colorado State University
The latest research about the Colorado River is alarming and also predictable: In a warming world, snowmelt has been decreasing while evaporation of reservoirs is increasing. Yet no politician has a plan to save the diminishing Colorado River.
If you followed the news about the Colorado River for the last year, however, you’d think that a political avalanche had swept down from Colorado’s snow-capped peaks and covered the Southwest with a blanket of “collaboration” and “river protection.”
I won’t call it fake news, but I will point out errors of omission.
First, the Colorado River is not protected. The agreement that was reached — called the “Drought Contingency Plan” — does not protect the river nor its ecological health. The agreement protects the federal government’s, the states’, the cities’, and the farmers’ ability to 100% drain the river bone dry every single year.
Nearly 5 trillion gallons of water flow in the Colorado River every year and every single drop will continue to be drained out, starting at the Continental Divide in Colorado all the way down to the delta in Mexico where the river still does not, nor is ever planned to, reach the Sea of Cortez.
Second, one of the two elephants in the room, climate change, hangs over the Colorado River. The current drought, due to the climate change that is already occurring, has decreased the flow in the river by about 20%, and the predicted increase in climate change may decrease the flow by another 30% by the year 2050. Even the important people making the best decisions admit that the Drought Contingency Plan does nothing to fix this problem. They say they will keep working on it.
The other elephant in the room is one of the most under-reported stories in the Colorado River basin: The states, cities, and farmers in Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona are trying to drain more and more water out of the river by building more and more dams, diversions, and pipelines.
Using your common sense, you will ask, “If the river’s already drained dry, and is predicted to have even less water in it due to climate change, then how can they build more dams, diversions and pipelines?”
I always answer this question by saying: “Welcome to the Colorado River where common sense — as well as simple math — are not used in decision-making.”
Twenty-four proposals have been developed to divert more water from the river. Colorado has nine proposals, New Mexico three, Utah seven, Wyoming three, and Arizona two. All are in some stage of being built, fought in court, going through a permitting process, in pre-permit planning, or in a bill before a state legislature or the U.S. Congress.
In total, if all of these proposals were built, at least another 162 billion gallons of water per year would be drained out of the river. All would need a new and even larger network of dams, pumps, and pipelines on a river system that is already one of the most dammed and diverted on the planet.
Forty million people, and growing, depend on the Colorado River in the Southwest, which also grows crops that partially feed the entire United States. The river itself now supports a large and growing recreational economy. In addition, the river and all of its tributaries are the sole life-support system for a vast and threatened network of plants, birds, and animals that have no voice in determining the fate of the river.
And get this: The exact same people, cities, states, farmers, and governments that created the whole mess are the same people who must fix it.
Want to know the dam truth about the Colorado River? Any new diversion of its water is senseless.
Gary Wockner is a contributor to, a nonprofit dedicated to spurring lively conversation about the West. Contact him at: [email protected]