Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Patriotic holidays not deserved
We don’t deserve to celebrate Memorial Day, the Fourth of July or any other holiday this year that pertains to our freedoms. We as a nation have simply bowed to the governors of our states and blindly followed their instructions.
We don’t even have the freedoms we would honor because our cowardice in standing up for liberty is causing us to surrender that liberty. We have surrendered our rights for the illusion of security.
We have not demonstrated the American spirit even at its weakest. When the governor ordered us to stay at home, close our communities, and our churches, our leaders, as well as our citizens just gave in.
Who paid for your business, put in the years of blood, sweat and tears to make it profitable, and sacrificed to open that business?
Who started your church? Who called you to serve God’s people and reach the lost? When did God tell you it was time to close up shop?
The leaders in Clovis are gone. We lack the leadership to fight the authoritarian governor who believes that she has the authority to order us to do her bidding. Our leaders have abandoned us in our most desperate time.
We have reached a crossroads in our nation; we must fight for freedom at whatever that cost may be.
Ronald Reagan said “Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”
Read the beginning of The Declaration of Independence. The Bible says we are to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. I believe it is time as we read from founding documents that we do just as the Bible tells us.
Adam G. Warren
Shutdown recalls dictatorship
The headline in Wednesday’s paper about state police closing the barber shop reminded me of what has been in movies about the gestapo doing Hitler’s dirty work.
Our politicians from president on down seem to want to be dictators.
When I took history in school, I was told that all the great civilizations were not destroyed by outside forces — they were destroyed from within, and our country is headed that way.
I pray that this does not continue.
Frank Romero