Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

On the shelves - June 14

These books are available at the Clovis-Carver Public Library:

“Beyond the Valley” by Al Lacy travels west with journalists Adam Cooper and Doug McClain, along with their sweethearts, as they board a railcar to follow a dream — the chance to start their own newspaper. What they encounter on their journey, however, is heartbreak. Meanwhile, in Fort Bridger, Hannah Cooper’s friend Carrie Wright strives to overcome a tragic loss. Pressing on by faith, Adam, Doug, and the brave women of the frontier struggle with the harsh lessons of life’s lonesome valleys — and search for a pathway for new life and new love.

“Booking the Crook” by Laurie Cass follows along with Minnie Hamilton and her rescue cat, Eddie, as they cruise around lovely Chilson, Michigan, delivering happiness and good reads in their bookmobile. But the feisty librarian is worried the bookmobile’s future could be uncertain when a new library board chair doesn’t seem too friendly with her pet project. Still, she has to put her personal worries aside when one of their favorite customers doesn’t turn up to collect her books. Minnie, at Eddie’s prodding, checks on the woman and finds her lying dead in her snow-covered driveway. Now it’s up to Minnie and her friends — feline and otherwise — to find the perpetrator and give them their due.

“Ride Into Trouble” by R.W. Stone. Lt. Ed Preston is returning to his cavalry fort after being on leave when he is mistaken for a bank robber. He is arrested, placed on trial and sent to prison to serve years of hard labor for a crime he did not commit. Forced to endure horrible conditions and brutal treatment, Preston is left with no choice but to plan his escape and then to search the west for the man who is truly guilty of the crime in an attempt to clear his name and regain his life.

“The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump” by former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe offers a dramatic and candid account of McCabe’s career, and an impassioned defense of the FBI’s integrity and independence to protect America and uphold the Constitution. Multiple topics cover everything from training, solving crime, interrogation, preventing terrorist attacks, as well as the FBI’s investigations into Benghazi to Boston, the Clintons, and Russia’s involvement in U.S. elections.

“Vern Yip’s Vacation at Home: Design Ideas for Creating Your Everyday Getaway” by Vern Yip shares tips, tricks, and design principles that 5-star hotels and resorts use to help guests get into vacation mode, and shows how you can duplicate that sense of ease and relaxation to make your home an everyday retreat, perfectly tailored to you.

“Healthy Habits Suck” by Dayna Lee-Baggley confirms it — being healthy is hard. However, there is a way to achieve it through proven techniques that make you more mindful of your choices, help you develop self-compassion, and live a life that reflects what truly matters to you. Although the author can’t teach you to enjoy exercise, and there’s no tips for making kale taste like chocolate, this funny, in-your-face guide will help you find the motivation needed to adopt healthy habits — even if they do suck.

— Summaries provided by library staff