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Opinion: Caldwell right pick for ENMU leadership

As our nation, our community, and our university push through these trying times — a pandemic, economic issues, an election year, and much more — leave it to a woman to be selected to lead Eastern New Mexico University during this “perfect storm.”

On Friday, the ENMU board of regents unanimously voted to select Patrice Caldwell as chancellor and president for the ENMU system, officially removing the word “interim” from the title of the position to which she was appointed in April.

On the same day that our nation was saying its final goodbyes and honoring Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg for her legacy advocating for gender equality and women's rights, ENMU appointed its first female chancellor.

I must admit, I teared up with joy when I learned this momentous news.

Chancellor Caldwell began her career at ENMU in 1980 as an assistant professor. I first met and interviewed her when I was an undergraduate student in the late 1980s and she was dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

To this day, I recall being impressed by her intelligence, graciousness, eloquence, wit, vision, love for students, and her deep appreciation in the value of higher education.

As I walked out of her office as a naive college student, I remember telling myself, “When I grow up, I want to be like her.”

I was in awe then, and I still am today.

Since that first meeting 32 years ago, I have been fortunate to work with her, and now for her, at the same institution that transformed both of our lives and careers.

Chancellor Caldwell may not know this, but I consider her my mentor. When making big decisions, I often think to myself, “What would Patrice do?”

She may not be an alumna herself, but after 40 years serving ENMU students, faculty, and staff in various roles, not to mention endless hours of volunteering in the community, Caldwell “bleeds just as green and silver” as those of us with ENMU degrees.

This remarkable woman has left a mark on nearly every aspect of this campus.

She is a natural at inspiring others by showing appreciation, empathy, and humility. A dedicated coach and mentor to many, she has a knack for transforming people's attitudes and beliefs. She inspires collaboration during strategic planning by focusing on the team and the institution's mission.

Great leaders are also humble. Chancellor Caldwell is one of the most humble people you will have the honor of meeting.

While she is officially taking the helm during these uniquely challenging times, there is no question Caldwell is up to the job.

If we could have safely hosted a homecoming parade, the streets would have been packed with all her biggest fans congratulating Caldwell on this deserving and daunting new role.

ENMU is in good hands.

Noelle Bartl is executive director for the ENMU Foundation.

Contact her at: [email protected]

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