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I have faith the sun is going to come up Wednesday

This could quite possibly be the last column you ever see from me.

Yes, stars were aligning and the nation was split to polar opposition as I penned this missive.

The Dodgers had won their first World Series in over three decades and no one but four or five die-hard fans even knew it had been that long.

They go into the books, as one of those die-hard fans sadly noted, with an asterisk by the entry. But hey they also have the distinction of winning a championship in the shortest season ever. Build for speed not endurance in the future baseball.

While I managed to watch my prerequisite final two innings of the World Series, my real concern was on the blizzard that weather forecasters promised was going to drop a foot of snow on my head in the last week of October. It didn’t happen but it got so cold I called down to the Tampa Bay Rays bullpen to see if hell had frozen over yet.

I was also concerned with the coming full moon (Saturday night). Not just a full moon but a Blue Moon, on Halloween on a Saturday with no trick-or-treating by order of the governor. Wow, what a sentence for the youth of this generation.

It’s been 95 years since that particular calendar phenomenon last happened. I’m not sure they even had trick-or-treating that long ago. I’m pretty sure if they did they weren’t handing out Nerds or Gummy Worms or Reese’s Cups. You probably got wormy apples and popcorn balls.

I asked my wife if she wanted to throw caution to the wind and early vote on Saturday, Halloween, beneath a Blue Moon. That sounded like taking way too big a chance so we shunned this year’s political fashion of voting early and often and decided to wait until the first Tuesday in November.

I’ve been warned that things are going to get ugly everywhere this week as our divided nation struggles to come to grips with the results or lack of results from the election. “Stock up on food, make sure you have lots of cash and ammo,” I’ve been told.

I was also told things were going to hell in a hand basket on New Year’s Eve Y2K but it didn’t happen. What did happen that night was I had the worst case of flu or possibly coronavirus ever.

I have faith in my nation. We live in a reasonable society, even when we differ on politics, and I think everything is going to be all right.

The sun is going to come up Wednesday morning and even if we don’t know yet who the president will be on Jan. 20, most of us are going to go to work and move on with our lives. The pandemic will be over someday soon too and maybe I will write another column next week.

Karl Terry writes for Clovis Media Inc. Contact him at:

[email protected]