Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Club notes - Dec. 20

Beta Phi

Five members attended the December ESA meeting, held Dec. 12 at the Church of God in Clovis.

Treasurer and meeting host Collene Baldwin conducted the meeting in the absence of President Jennette Bass and Vice President Katy Lowery, who were unable to attend.

Chaplin & Educational Director Patsy Lorenz gave a talk about the birth of Jesus and the three Magi. Recording Sec. Royce Lorenz did roll call and read the minutes of the November meeting. The chapter sold three cases of pecans for a money project.

Last month the chapter did donations of $150 for the local veterans through Goodwill. Jerry Clewis was voted into office as corresponding secretary to replace Stella Chairez. The chapter also had its Christmas party after the meeting, with food catered by Guadalajara .

After the meal the chapter had voted for outstanding member .and Royce Lorenz was chosen. Members finished up the party with trivia and an ornament exchange.

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