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Clovis attorney being sued

CLOVIS — A Clovis attorney is being sued on allegations including malpractice, fraud and breach of fiduciary duty.

A civil suit by David Howl against Dan Lindsey was filed Dec. 22 in district cout and announced by Howl’s attorney, Eric Dixon, via a Tuesday press release.

The lawsuit demands a jury trial, which has not been scheduled as of Friday according to court records. Howl is seaking sustained and punitive damages with interest, attorney fees and costs and any other relief deemed appropriate by the court.

The lawsuit alleges:

• Howl’s family hired Lindsey Jan. 14, 2019 and paid $40,150.

• Howl was advised to agree to a plea agreement with a four-year habitual offender enhancement when he was not subject to that enhancement.

• An invoice presented to the Howl family was vague and included exorbitant fees —including $1,100 for two hours of research the filing contends could have been handled in a matter of minutes.

Lindsey, contacted Friday by The News, said he had not seen the lawsuit, and wouldn’t likely comment on pending litigation anyway.

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